Free Domain & Whois Privacy Included
Free Domain & Whois Privacy Included
Free Domain & Whois Privacy Included
Accelerate your webpages, reduce page load times and ensure they're delivered faster than your competition.
I want to view your locations in aRest assured knowing you are hosting with a provider that truly cares about the planet & environment, and has made extensive investments in ensuring we don't harm the planet.
Get StartedWeb hosting platform has been fully random optimised some more performance.
All of our services instantly deploy after a successful payment check and payment has been received.
We offer one-click wordpress as standard on our wordpress hosting plans, allowing our customers to easily install hundreds of available software options.
The free backups included with all FIZ HOST wordpress hosting plans is stored off-site, offering the ultimate redundancy in the event of a catastrophic failure.
FIZ HOST has a direct-connect in it's MPLS-enabled network to numerous transit providers, with automatic failover built in.
We offer 100Gbit+ of DDoS protection on all our plans, providing our customers with the best in class solution against malicious attacks.
No matter the day or time, FIZ HOST team is available around the clock to assist you with anything you require.
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